Friday, May 7, 2010

Wiki Page: GoAnimate (NETS-T I, V)

I created a Wiki page to contribute to my class Wiki exploring different Web 2.0 tools. I chose a creativity tool called GoAnimate that allowed me to create my own animated sample. Not only does this artifact showcase my ability to creatively use online tools, but it also demonstrates how I collaborate with my peers through reciprocal comments and evaluations.

Grammar Crossword Puzzle (NETS-T I, II, III)

To create this artifact, I used Microsoft Excel. I used conditional formatting to allow students to do the crossword with immediate feedback so they know if their answers are correct or not. I also personalized the puzzle with a different font, background color, border, and patterns to make it aesthetically pleasing. This crossword puzzle demonstrates my fluency in Excel and also allows me to communicate relevant information to others in a fun and creative way.

Inspiration (NETS-T I, II, III)

Inspiration is a graphic organizer that allows users to brainstorm and create outlines with ease. I used this tool to visually arrange my NETS-T artifacts according to which standard they met. Inspiration allows both teachers and students to creatively organize their thoughts using digital means.

Social Bookmarking - Delicious Tags (NETS-T IV, V)

1. National Archives: Running for Office

This exhibit was a great primary resource for political cartoons by Clifford Berryman. There were about 50 cartoons depicting different presidential candidates and elections. Along with each cartoon, the exhibit included a caption explaining the political climate at the time and the context of the drawing to help the viewer understand the humor or satire intended by Berryman. There were also little blurbs to define common symbols or motifs such as the donkey's first association as the symbol for the Democratic Party in 1828 during Andrew Jackson's campaign.

As a political science major, I really enjoyed this exhibit because it literally illustrated many of the presidential campaigns I learned about throughout grade school and college. The primary sources available through technology are invaluable to the classroom because they put many lessons that seem faraway and intangible into a familiar context for students as well as deepen their understanding of certain events. For many of my college papers, I was required to cite a primary source. I will admit that I saw this requirement as more of a hassle than a way to enrich my paper because it seemed like an impossible task when I was researching events that happened over 200 years ago. The more I learn about technology and how it facilitates research by providing easier access to primary resources, the more I want to incorporate it into my curriculum so my students do not feel overwhelmed as I did. With only a click of a mouse, I was able to sift through dozens of political cartoons from the early 1900s as if I were reading a hundred-year-old newspaper today!

2. National Education Association: Achievement Gaps

Student groups experiencing achievement gaps are ethnic minorities (American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Blacks, and Hispanics), LGBTs, English Language Learners, Students with disabilities, and students from low income backgrounds.

The first step I would take in closing the achievement gap would be to learn about my class and school by researching the students' backgrounds including their ethnicity, socioeconomic profile, possible disabilities, and anything else that might account for an achievement gap at my school. I think learning about students and their cultural background can only help an educator figure out how they learn and why they may be struggling in certain areas. Examining the degree to which students and families have access to school resources is crucial in closing an existing gap.

I would also join or create a cultural competence committee, not only because of the alliteration, but because it is a great way to involve everyone important in a student's schooling including their parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. Being culturally competent means acknowledging that it is a lifelong process and should always be at the forefront of education. Having a committee entirely devoted to the achievement gap plaguing public education today, will ensure that this issue does not get pushed aside and is continually addressed each school year.

In addition to collaborating within a school and its community, it is also useful to network with other schools and school districts. Taking what other schools are doing to address the problem and adapting it to meet the needs of my school and classroom is a great way to work with other educators and share innovative and effective ideas. While much of being a great educator involves creativity, it is just as important to be able to borrow techniques that are working in other classrooms because those techniques just might work in yours.

3. Stop Cyberbullying

According the the quiz on this website, I am Cyber Risky. I have engaged in quite of few of those actions and while I know my intentions were never malicious, a joke to one person may not be a joke to another. I was in middle school when most of these online chat sites were becoming popular so it was only natural that my friends and I joked around with each other, but it is increasingly important for kids and adults to become aware of their behavior and take the proper precautions to avoid cyber predators as well as cyberbullying. I now understand that some of my actions, however harmless I may have thought they were, have consequences and could potentially hurt someone else.

This website had a lot of information about cyberbullying including how to distinguish between different types of cyberbullies. A few described were the vengeful angel, the power-hungry or revenge of the nerds, the mean girls, or the inadvertant cyberbully. Being aware of the different intentions of cyberbullies is very important in addressing solutions to the problem. While all are harmful, they would require different methods to remedy the issue at hand. By empowering children with knowledge surrounding cyberbullying and bullying in general, they are able to better understand the consequences of their actions and develop different ways to deal with bullying instead of lashing out in revenge or taking matters of justice into their own hands. As a teacher who promotes technology and all its advantages, I must also be aware of internet safety and ways to deal with potential harm it may inflict upon my students. Teaching them how to safely report cyberbullying, avoid becoming a cyberbully, and how to use technology in a responsible manner will result in creating a new generation of global citizens.

4. Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

This is a great resource for planning interdisciplinary lessons. Under subject access, I chose Music and Performing Arts. I was drawn to the Math and Music lesson because I want to teach elementary school and the lesson plan provided corresponded to grades K-3. I loved the idea that I can use music in my classroom to give mathematical concepts real life value and meaning by putting it in different contexts. I have a background in music and I would love to incorporate it into my classroom because I think it is a very valuable skill that tends to be cut first from curriculum during budget crises. This specific lesson teaches addition through music notes by giving each note a value and adding them together. Not only would my students be practicing addition, but they would also be expanding their knowledge about music theory.

Under Teacher's Helpers, I clicked on the Gadgets and Podcasts link because it is relevant to incorporating technology into the classroom. Podcasts in the classroom specifically provided a lot of information about what a podcast is, how to use it in the classroom, and why such technology can be valuable in educating our youth. Podcasts are archived on the internet and can be easily downloaded onto an mp3 device. Utilizing podcasts in the classroom interests me because I just discovered them myself. I am quite the Lost fan and the Lost podcast is extremely informational and entertaining for me because I have access to the musings of the executive producers themselves! There are thousands of podcasts available through itunes and other RSS aggregators that are more educational than discussions about favorite TV shows via organizations such as ABC and CSIRO. Not only can students have access to this resource, but they can also create their own podcasts with the right tools and guidance.

5. Multiple Intelligences

My top three intelligences are:
  • Logical-Mathematical 81%
  • Intrapersonal 75%
  • Musical 69%
I watched the video titled "Multiple Intelligences Leave No Child Behind." Edutopia visited Indianapolis's Key Learning Community which is a school dedicated to using Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory to guide their curriculum and methods of teaching. This K-12 school is very innovative in that it strives to develop every child's multiple intelligences and allows students to discover their strengths and weaknesses early in life. I found this video absolutely captivating because it addressed complicated issues within public education such as how to evaluate and assess multiple intelligences, how to find time to teach when NCLB requires so much time spent on test preparation and testing, and how to reconcile the theory of multiple intelligences with current educational policy developed by businesses and politicians. I was most intrigued by the statement, "We need to be more politically savvy in trying to convince the businesses and the politicians that we're going in the wrong direction." As a political science major, I hope to be a politically savvy educator and influence educational policy in a way that responds to research and what is happening in the classroom.

6. Teaching Tolerance

Grades 3-5
Social Studies
Anti-Racism Activity: The Sneetches

The objective of this lesson is to simulate discrimination in the classroom and have students develop a sense of fairness and equality. Students should relate the experience to their lives inside and outside the classroom by implementing the lessons they learned from this activity. I will read the Dr. Seuss book The Sneetches to the whole class. We will discuss privileges we have at school and divide the class into two groups. One group will be the "plain-belly sneetches" while the rest will be the "star-belly sneetches." The most important part of this lesson will be discussing how each role made everyone feel and how they can prevent anyone from feeling that way. The follow-up activity is meant to ensure that students understand that the goal is to change discriminatory practices, not the differences that lead to discrimination. I would love to use this activity to show my students the negative effects teasing and discrimination and be able to explicitly address these issues by creating an environment where it is okay to talk about such problems.

7. Multicultural Education and Equity Awareness Quiz

Q: In a 2007 study, UNICEF rated the treatment of children in the 23 wealthiest countries in the world based on 40 indicators of child well-being. Which two countries received the lowest ratings?

A: The U.S. and the United Kingdom.

This question sadly did not surprise me because I have looked at these statistics before, but they are beyond disappointing. As a future educator, I am extremely worried about the United States scoring the lowest among the wealthiest nations in its treatment of children. I am assuming those indicators include healthcare and education. I hope for the future that children can receive better access to healthcare and that I will be able to do my part in ensuring my students get the education they deserve.

Q: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median annual income for U.S. white men, 25 years or older, who have earned graduate degrees, is $80,000. What are the median annual incomes for Latina and Native American women, 25 years or older, who have earned graduate degrees?

A: $50,000 and $40,000, respectively

This statistic shocked me. I knew there was still an income gap between genders, but I didn't realize the extent of it, especially relating to ethnic minorities. I wonder if the statistics account for stay-at-home moms and women not in the workforce. Either Latina and Native American women are doing the same work for less money than men or they are not even offered the high-paying positions white men with the same educational background are. Either way, there is a great social injustice occurring within our country and it is important to address the inequities in the classroom.

8. Netiquette

I got a 9 out of 10 on the netiquette quiz :^D. Netiquette is important to teach students because they are increasingly exposed to a more technological world where being respectful and knowledgeable about participating in an online community is critical to their success in the classroom and professional world. Netiquette covers the proper behaviors in the internet world and can help participants understand the intentions of others as well as have their intentions understood by others. One of the risks of communicating via computers is the possibility that words can be misconstrued which is why knowing online social norms is critical. Our goal is to be received positively in the online community and make positive impressions on those we meet. Therefore, netiquette should be covered in all classrooms that utilize the internet.

Copyright/Internet Safety (NETS-T IV, V)

This assignment was a collaborative effort between 5 classmates and myself. Using GoogleDocs, we each tackled a different Copyright/Internet Safety issue including Cyber Predators, Cyberbullying, Social Networks, Inappropriate Content, Privacy and Plagiarism, and Identity Safety. While researching each topic, we completed student assignments exploring different scenarios and situations. This artifact not only exhibits collaboration, but also my preparedness in modeling safe and digitally responsible behavior to my students.

Classroom Newsletter (NETS-T I, III)

I used Microsoft Word to creatively format a classroom newsletter complete with columns, clip art, a masthead, graphics, and drop caps. I included my self-portrait as well to demonstrate my ability to scan items into the computer.



Using iMovie video-editing software, I created a short public service announcement introducing prospective CSUSM students to the school and campus. I imported video footage, edited clips, added my own voice and music, experimented with different video effects, and included text over images and videos. This artifact shows how I met NETS-T, specifically NETS-T III because I demonstrated fluency with video software and communicated information about CSUSM to my viewers. I also promoted digital responsibility by including credits citing where I got the music and information I used.

Journal #9: Web 2.0. Today's Technologies, Tomorrow's Learning

Groff, J., & Haas, J. (2008). Web 2.0: today's technology, tomorrow's learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(2), Retrieved from


This article all about using digital technology like social networking sites, simulations, and digital games to give value to lessons in order to engage students with the material.  Some teachers are attempting and advocating the use of today's technologies to translate lessons into a language most students speak these days.  While there are some that do not welcome this type of teaching because many of these games and sites have a reputation of being disruptive rather than useful, there are a lot of teachers who want to tap into the value of such resources to find how to use them effectively in the classroom.  Simulations can be used to allow students to explore worlds and ideas that would otherwise be impossible to reach.  Social networking allows teachers and students to create their own space outside of the classroom to communicate, collaborate, and share ideas.  Digital games can be valuable if they focus on problem solving skills and teamwork. 

There are, of course, concerns with using certain technology in the classroom.  Implementing these strategies and games into lessons is a lot easier said than done.  The element of access to resources is always an issue, especially today with budget cuts and limited resources in most classrooms throughout the country.  There is also the concern that lessons designed around technology and digital games are open-ended and therefore unpredictable.  This concept frightens some teachers because it is very student-centered and difficult to manage, but Groff and Haas argue that student-centered learning can be a rich experience for students because they will work along their teachers to solve problems that may arise and can learn from the hands on experience.

Q1: Will I use digital games and simulations in my classroom?

I definitely had some of the concerns educators have with some of these new technologies, but after reading this article I am very much excited about the possibilities of engaging more students by essentially speaking their "digital language."  In my experience substitute teaching, I have seen firsthand how excited students are to do any activity using computers.  Tapping into that excitement is part of being a good teacher.  It is important to be able to build on the foundation students already have and utilize the skills they bring to the classroom as well as teach them new skills.  In an increasingly digital world, why not reflect that in our classrooms and transform education in a way that engages and inspires students?

Q2: What are some digital games that teachers are using now in a K-5 setting?

The article mentioned Club Penguin as an example.  I have not seen exactly what Club Penguin is, but I know many students I sub for talk about it and draw penguins constantly so I can assume it is something they are interested in and excited to play.  Wikipedia's entry on Club Penguin says it is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that allows children to play games in a virtual setting.  Because Disney published this game with the intent of children ages 6-14 to use it, it is very focused on child safety.  The fact that businesses are creating online games targeting children is a great thing because the more educators embrace the use of them in the classroom, the more games will be focused on the educational market.  Therefore, the reciprocal relationship between technology and education is a new but flourishing connection that can be nourished by our willingness to transform education and be innovative in the classroom.


Journal #8: Tapping the Weath of Social Networks for Professional Development

Greenhow, C. (2009). Tapping the wealth of social networks for professional development. Learning & Leading, 36(8), Retrieved from


Social networks are becoming increasingly popular, not just among students.  Teachers are beginning to tap into their value as well.  This article is about the advantages of schools and teachers evolving and adapting to the emerging digital world at their disposal.  Because many of these technologies are relatively new to education, there is a need for more research to be conducted regarding how to use them in the classroom and the true impact technology has on education as a whole.

Two trends are particularly evident with regards to teacher use of social networking tools.  The first is social bookmarking which is a tool for people to share their bookmarks and sites of interests with an online community.  The usefulness of this in the education is that it facilitates collaboration and helps users share valuable scholarly articles, journals, sources they come across.  Social networking can also be used as a way to gain more access to support from colleagues and peers and to share our creativity online.  Sites such as Facebook, Classroom 2.0, and Twitter all fall under this trend.  Self-reflection and analysis has always been a very important part of teaching and these types of resources allow teachers to evaluate their performance and trouble shoot areas which need improvement.  Teachers can also receive more professional recognition for their research and work in the classroom through these types of social networking sites.  If used properly, these sites are also helpful to students wanting to broadcast their work through a safe medium.  In the coming years, we will see more of the advantages and effects of social networking sites and will also hopefully be better-equipped to deal with the disadvantages.

Q1: Am I likely to use twitter in an elementary school setting?

I probably would not use twitter with elementary school students.  The instant polling is an awesome feature if all students or participants have cell phones, but I know most of my students won't and it seems like a more sophisticated tool to be used in middle or high school grades.  I think it could be a valuable resource to utilize with other teachers at my school because we could post questions and answers there and share our thoughts about our classrooms and schools.  Events could be posted to keep everyone updated.  Parents could be brought into the equation as they could "follow" the tweets of their children's teachers.  In that sense, twitter and other social media would be a great asset to the elementary school classroom!

Q2: What are the implications of social networking tools being so new to the field of education?

Greenhow mentions a few times that research on using such technology in the classroom is very limited because of how new it is.  I think that this is important to remember when incorporating wikis and twitter and blogs into schools because we must be very responsible and use good judgment with such powerful tools.  Digital responsibility and citizenship are such new terms that not everyone is aware of them.  We should continue to research the effects and proper ways of using technology in the classroom as it emerges within education.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Journal #6: A New Concept of Citizenship for the Digital Age

Greenhow, C. (2010). A New concept of citizenship for the digital age. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from


The concept of digital citizenship is relatively new, but important to understand in the digital age we live in. ISTE includes digital citizenship in its NETS for students because of its importance and relevance to our current educational climate. This article offers multiple definitions as well as some recent studies addressing this standard. According to NETS-S, digital citizenship is, "the ability to practice and advocate online behavior that demonstrates legal, ethical, safe, and responsible uses of information and communication technologies." There are many abstract terms in this definition because it encompasses all of the different aspects of safety and responsibility students should understand when participating in the digital world.One reason digital citizenship is hard to define is the differences between the cultures of hundreds of countries. Even within our own culture, there are a multitude of ways one can be misunderstood online. Add a language and cultural barrier and there is a big problem with the concept of citizenship. The scope of digital citizenship has also expanded with the rise in popularity of social networks, blogging, and other Web 2.0 media.Researchers from the University of Kansas identified 9 components of digital citizenship:- digital etiquette- digital communication- digital access- digital literacy- digital commerce- digital law- digital rights and responsibilities- digital health and wellness- digital securityDigital citizenship includes serious issues such as cyberbullying. Research is being done to examine the effects of this type of harrassment on children and teenagers today. Another study was conducted to examine the moral code teachers should follow on social networking sites in hopes of modeling appropriate and safe behavior online.

Q1: As a teacher, what should I do to model digital citizenship?

Any social networking profiles I have will be private, only visible by those I choose to see it. I want my students to understand the importance of privacy and safe internet practices. I will not engage in inappropriate behavior because there are consequences to our actions online even though they may seem intangible. Being a good digital citizen not only includes being aware of safety, but also being aware of how our actions affect others.  I will model for my students how to responsibly and respectfully engage in conversations and debates online. 

Q2: Have teachers been fired for inappropriate online behavior?

Yes. I googled this topic and found a case on the PBS website of a teacher who created a myspace to communicate with students. The school fired the teacher for "exercising poor judgment" and possibly having inappropriate conversations with his students.  This is an important issue to research because when using Web 2.0 tools these types of boundaries are being threatened and must be upheld even with the greater communication between teachers and students.  If we as educators do not take the proper precautions to make online communication safe and appropriate, we are vulnerable to termination and the stigma attached with it. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Journal #7: Wikis!

Definition: Wikis

A wiki is a website that allows multiple users to create, edit, update, and maintain the content of their very own webpage through a web browser.  They are free and relatively easy to use.  They may have one or multiple administrators who can monitor what is added to the wiki.  It is very useful when collaborating because many people can add content and benefit from the information added by others.  There are options to make wikis open to the public or private by invitation only.  Users may add to an established page or create new pages that are easily navigable through hyperlinks, indices, or tables of content.  Again, security and privacy settings are unique to each wiki and decided by the adminstrator(s).

Discussion 1: Using Wikis

This was a great discussion full of ideas for educators to incorporate wikis into their classroom to either use with students or colleagues.  One educator created a school wiki with her school to collaborate between different grade levels and within each grade to coordinate based on math core curriculum.  In essence, they used their wiki as a tool to evaluate where they were and needed to be by comparing and sharing ideas.  That same user also created a wiki to facilitate the launch of a new social studies program she was using.  She mentioned the wiki was more useful than a basic googledoc because there was more participation on the wiki.  The teachers using this pilot program were able to share materials, questions, frustrations and concerns with each other.  They even invited the publishing company to their wikipage to get even more feedback. 

Most of the teachers provided links to their own webpages they created for certain classes.  I was very interested to see how elementary school teachers had used wikis with younger children.  It is evident how wikis can be utilized by teachers and administrators to collaborate, but how can they be more student-centered in a K-5 setting?  One 5th grade class created a page dedicated to The Hobbit and added content as they read, pictures of characters and settings, links, and other fun activities.  They were required to post on discussion boards to keep them engaged and track the collaborative aspect of using a wiki.  Overall, this particular discussion was rich with different ideas and obvious enthusiasm about incorporating Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.

Discussion 2: Wikis - the blind leading the blind?

This discussion was very interesting to me because it brought up some common questions about wikis and also addressed the comparison between a wiki and a blog (which can essentially be used like a wiki but unidirectional).

The original poster or OP (there is some computer lingo for you) posed this question because he was confronted with the concern of an administrator that wikis were responsible for the "mass dissemination of misinformation," because pages are open for editing by those not always well-informed.  The point was made that as educators we should be teaching our students to be critical of any information they come across and always check sources, but ultimately are technologies like wikis making this type of misinformation easier?

Most of the debate followed the thought that wikis are a positive resource in the classroom (not surprisingly since the teachers on this site are mostly tech savvy or at least open to technology).  The common argument was that with a responsible administrator, a student wiki could be monitored closely and there would be no reason to worry about the "blind" leading the blind.  Worry about public wikis like Wikipedia are also not warranted because with enough people fact-checking Wikipedia posts, the information provided is usually quite accurate.  "Properly run, there is a self-correcting aspect that a Wiki has that helps ensure that it is correct and valid."     

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NETS-S PowerPoint (NETS-T II, III)

Here is an example of how I used presentation software to enhance learning. I used Powerpoint to present ISTE's NETS for Students. I researched the grade level that I plan to teach and created this artifact to easily showcase what I plan to do as a teacher to ensure my students fulfill those requirements. Each slide is dedicated to a different performance indicator which I found under the student profiles. I used transitions, custom animations, hyperlinks, and relevant graphics to enhance the visual appeal of my presentation.

Friday, April 23, 2010

NETS-S PowerPoint Rubric (NETS-T II, III)

I created this rubric using rCampus with my class. We collaborated to construct a guideline for our teacher to use to grade our Powerpoint presentations. Using this software was simple and I was able to print out physical copies with room for a grade and comments. This program is a great way to use technology to provide students with a clear expectations and assessments of their work.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal #4: Playing with Skype

Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from


This article showcased the use of skype as a way to interact with experts in different fields, specifically music here. I found it very useful because it is less complicated and expensive than some of the interactive VFTs described in "The Beginner's Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips." Weller was able to bring composers to his concerts without traveling expenses, just technology that is found at most schools and can be utilized with little to no training. I have used skype for a few years myself because after studying abroad I wanted to keep in contact with classmates and friends I met. I personally know how easy it is to use and it's absolutely free!! You can't beat that.

A quote that stood out to me in this piece was, "If it makes for a richer educational experience, then it is worth it" (Weller 2010). Even as someone who is fairly comfortable with technology I feel myself resisting at times. I think it is human nature to become comfortable with the status quo, but as a teacher I want to be aware of those instances when I feel myself holding back because I want to push my class forward and offer them the most innovative tools to enrich their learning experience. If i acknowledge my fear along the way, I will be able to overcome it and use simple things like skype in my own classroom. As stated in the article, teachers should not be threatened by outside expertise, but excited to incorporate it into their classrooms because it will only increase the learning.

Q1: How can I prepare myself for possible technological mishaps?

Planning is crucial to all lessons, especially those that rely heavily on technology. I will make sure to always master whatever program I am using before bringing it into my class and test it on the specific computer I am going to be using. I will review FAQs to familiarize myself with problems other users may have encountered. There is also always the possibility that things just do not work out, so having a back up lesson will also be a good idea. Being flexible and able to adapt is part of being an effective teacher and while technology is a great tool, it is not always our friend. Hopefully I will be very tech-savvy by the time I have my own classroom and rarely experience unexpected problems because I will expect them all and already know the solutions.

Q2: Could skype be used to connect classrooms to other people besides experts?

The idea of connecting to experts and professionals in different areas is extremely simple yet innovative. I began thinking about how skype could even help connect to other classrooms or perhaps parents. Parental involvement is so important to a student's success and any type of technology that might make it easier will be welcome in my class. Maybe a parent could view a lesson through skype, have a parent-teacher conference without leaving their office or home, see a performance they might not have otherwise been able to see, etc. Many students in Oceaside specifically have parents in the military. Skype would be an invaluable tool in bringing those parents abroad into the classroom. There are countless ways simple technology like skype can be utilized in a classroom to not only enrich learning but accommodate important people like parents!

Journal #3: Navigate the Digital Rapids

Lindsay, J., & Davis, V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from


I found the article absolutely inspiring. Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis pioneered a project called the Flats Classroom Project where they attempt to transform education by focusing its attention globally through technology and collaboration. Immediately, I was reminded of our very own COE mission statement here at CSUSM. This article not only introduced the concept of flat classrooms, but addressed the hesitance many educators and administrators feel when approached with the idea of incorporating social networking sites and other web-based programs into the curriculum. Seeing technology as a resource rather than some scary, unknown entity is the first step in moving towards more globally aware curriculum for our students.

It is crucial to communicate proper digital etiquette to students in order for them to participate in the global community and be what Lindsay and Davis call "digital citizens." The responsibility we have as digital educators involves a few very important steps: effectively researching the best way to use innovative methods to reach national standards, monitoring the use of technology in a school/district, calming the fear many people have about technology, and creating a student-centered learning environment that promotes global awareness and collaboration.

"Meeting standardized learning outcomes does not mean you have to standardize the process" (Lindsay, & Davis 2010). I love that quote because it is the essence of a transformative, culturally responsive teacher. The use of technology is becoming more prevalent in classrooms, but there is still a lot of reluctance because of this notion that we administer a one-size-fits-all test every year and to achieve success we must all get there on the same road. In actuality, the beauty of public education is taking different roads that are customized to fit each individual student in order for them to reach their full potential. This is all easier said than done of course, but projects like flatclassroom are extremely motivating to me because while a lot of education is tied up in bureaucratic red tape and resistance among old factory teachers, there are still those innovative enough to challenge the status quo and dedicated to transforming the face of public education.

Q1: How could I "flatten" my classroom as an elementary school teacher ?

While I was fascinated by the idea, after looking at the website for flat classrooms, I noticed it is a project for middle school and high school students. The concept of a digiteen has not yet reached the younger students in this specific project. Personally, I would like to do more research on how to prepare my students to one day participate in such a global awareness project. I remember writing letters to pen pals as a 4th grader. Perhaps I could find take the idea of having pen pals further into the global community. My students could write other students from diverse backgrounds and cultures and ask questions about their everyday lives, school experience, families, etc. This would not only expose my students to the world via the internet, but it would better-equip them to be a part of a flat classroom in high school because they would have the global experience under their belts and would be less wary of the "digital rapids" many people find overwhelming at first. My student will hopefully be comfortable with global communication and able to contribute their input to such projects like Flat Classroom.

Q2: What if parents of my students are not open to the idea of their children using the internet?

I am sure there will be a number of protective parents in my classroom not wanting their 8 year old son contacting strangers via the internet and I completely understand that fear. However, I would have to address the issue delicately and sensitively by holding an information session with a Q&A forum for parents to voice their concerns and even their ideas for keeping the internet a safe place for their children. If I find or even start a program of my own that ensures students are communicating with other respectful, globally-sensitive, digital students I will be able to calm the fears of the parents. Perhaps I could get some of them involved. For instance, if I have a Spanish-speaking parent, they could help me monitor students who may choose to write to a student from Latin or South America. In that instance, I would be involving parents in the process as well as promoting the value of speaking another language.

Journal #2: Finding Students Who Learn with Media

Bull, G. (2010). Finding students who learn with media. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from


This article was a very interesting look at the use of web-based authoring tools that allow students to create their own media. Within just one class period, students are able to create mini-documentaries with an extension of a program called primary access known as primary access storyboard. Prior to such developments there were complaints that too much class time was being used to explain how to use the technology rather than going over actual content. This extension addressed that issue making it easier and more efficient for students to access primary sources and edit their stories with text and narration. The fact that the pilot study revealed that students who engaged in the storyboard activity performed as well as those who wrote traditional essays on an examination on the content of the lesson.

Constant evaluation and reflection is very important in all classrooms, but especially when new innovative methods are being used because it is crucial to find what works best for the students. Finding how they respond to different tools and using that information to adapt the lesson to engage all students will be the challenge of every teacher trying to use new programs in the classroom. One useful tool is the Classroom Assessment Scoring System which allows teachers to further evaluate effective teaching methods by measuring student engagement. Because new technologies are allowing teachers to evaluate such engagement and performance as the lesson occurs, more effective approaches can be attempted earlier rather than later.

Q1: How could I address different levels of technological experience and content knowledge in my classroom?

The article mentions the reality that different students will have different needs and I will have to implement a variety of levels of structure depending on the student. Also, heterogeneous grouping may help in a situation where a student is technologically sound and engaged in the media aspect of the project while another grasps the content better. Partnering students with different strengths may help to teach them collaboration which is key to implementing technology in the classroom. However, it may not help and I will just have to keep trying new ways to engage all my students because without their attention it will be nearly impossible to convey content.

Q2: Why are student-authored media tools valuable to learning?

Students are not only exploring different intelligences they may have, but they are taking control of their learning by the responsibility of creation. These types of tools do not just rely on one strength, but a variety of skills that children can discover in their repertoire. A student may struggle with history, but excel at the artistic or technological aspect of a project. Therefore, they are becoming more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can transfer the confidence from one realm to the other which may be lacking.

Journal #1: The Beginner's Guide to Interactive VFTs

Zanetis, J. (2010). The Beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from


This article is a brief overview of how teachers can utilize virtual technology in the classroom to provide students with more access to the outside world while remaining in the comfort of their own classrooms. Virtual field trips or VFTs are a great way of addressing the issues regarding the high cost and possible logistical improbability of traditional field trips. They allow students the opportunity to either engage in virtual tours or even interactive Q&As with experts for a fraction of the cost. Asynchronous VFTs are those that do not take place in real time. They range from websites with text and pictures to virtual tours with a podcast guiding the class through the material.

Additionally, there are interactive VFTs. These occur in real time and allow students even more access to the world they are exploring. Whole classes are able to interact with educators across the world through h.323 videoconferencing technology. This seems like it may be costly, because it requires more than is usually found in a public school classroom, but there are ways to gain access to such equipment without breaking the bank. 30% of schools do actually have videoconferencing equipment installed. The rest may seek out help from vendors, museums, and a variety of other businesses. It is also important to look into grant and assistance programs to alleviate the financial burden.

The value of VFTs lies in their ability to connect students to a real life context of what they are learning in school. By breaking up the monotony of a traditional classroom setting, field trips can be very exciting for students. Giving children meaning to what they are discovering in class better reinforces that learning and allows for a more well-rounded experience.

Q1: What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of VFTs?

After reading this article, I began to contemplate not only the advantages of VFTS, but the disadvantages as well. There is no doubt that VFTs can bring expertise and far away destinations to the classroom without spending an exorbitant amount of money, but I do think its important to note that the overall experience is vastly different than students traveling outside of their traditional work environment. Students cannot appreciate the full sensory experience of certain places such as a zoo or a botanical garden while sitting in a classroom. However, VFTs do provide visual and auditory exposure which is very valuable. Additionally, virtual technology rids field trips of the physical safety liability of leaving school grounds with a large group of students. On the other hand, there is the aspect of technological safety that a teacher must consider before incorporating any virtual programs into the classroom. I think it is important to recognize the value in using videoconferencing equipment without replacing traditional field trips altogether because students can benefit greatly from the incorporation of both into their lives.

Q2:If resources are limited, how would I keep all my students engaged?

In my subbing experience I have found that most of the classrooms I've taught in have anywhere from 6-12 computers. If there are not enough computers for each student, I would most likely create stations in my class. Using asynchronous VFTs would allow me to separate my class into groups and have them explore certain websites and virtual tours independently. The other groups can be engaged in worksheets, discussions, art projects, mini-lessons with me, etc. This approach would not only allow me to accommodate every student, but it would also allow me to make the lesson interdisciplinary and therefore even more well-rounded.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Introduction Letter

Hello! My name is Allison Hoffman and I am from Oceanside, California. I have lived here since I was 11 years old. I was born in La Palma, California, and I moved to Buffalo Grove, Illinois (outside Chicago) when I was 3. I attended grades K-5 at James Whitcomb Riley Elementary School in Arlington Heights, Illinois. When I moved to Oceanside, I went to middle school at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School. Then I went down the street to El Camino High School for all 4 years. I received my B.A. in political science at UCSD in 2008 and also had the amazing opportunity to study for a semester in Sweden at Lund University. I hope to get my multiple subject teaching credential at CSUSM and then eventually obtain a master's degree as well!

My experience with technology tends to be determined by the people I am comparing myself to. For instance, my dad can barely compose an email (bless his heart), so he considers me a computer genius. I definitely do not consider myself one, but I can figure most things out (even if it takes me awhile). I am familiar with Microsoft Office programs, internet browsing, the basics, etc. What I don't now, I know how to google. :) I recently purchased a 13" Macbook Pro which I LOVE, but I don't really have anything against PCs. I just miss the "4 finger swipe" when I use any PC.

The CSUSM mission statement attracted me to the school because of its emphasis on lifelong learning. I am excited to join a profession that encourages everyone involved to continue pursuing higher education at all phases of their lives. My goal is to be the type of teacher who is open to learning from a variety of sources including my students. I hope to be considered an educator as well as a lifelong learner.